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What Is CPA Marketing & How Do I Do It? Of all the marketing methods and strategies, there’s a definite wrong way and a right way to go about CPA marketing. “CPA” stands for “cost per action” – and (unlike Pay-Per-Click, where, no matter what action is taken, you are still credited simply for the clickthrough), a specific action has to be taken by the person clicking through, before you can receive any compensation. Some of these actions could be:  Providing an email address  Providing a name and email address  Providing a zip code  Providing a phone number  Providing full contact information  Making a purchase You particularly need to know what you’re doing, if you’re planning to experiment with CPA marketing, because the results in a huge percentage of all cases are typically small – often less than the sign-up fee, if there is one; or PPC ads you may be using to drive people to your site. And there are definitely certain CPA areas that pay significantly better than others. You need to know what these are, so you can make sure you use them wisely and well. Why is CPA better than PPC (Pay-per-click)? Well, for one thing, with PPC, you’re the one doing the paying – you’re the advertiser. With CPA, you’re the one who stands first in line to receive the giant Twinkie

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